Through this mask it is possible to account bills: according to settings of accounting template set, the procedure will close the customer maturity values associated to the selected bills.
The upper part of the mask has the task to set the search filters.
The accounting setting section can be pre-defined within bills portfolio module parameters. It is necessary to assign accounting template, reference dates for record, possible grouping accounting and temporary record flags.
The grouping flag for bill account performs a record of 'bill account' type to Different, where on this Different there will be as line sas bills to be accounted.
The temporary management flag will generate accounting records of temporary type.
If the accounting template provides for the maturity values opening flag and bill has been created manually without associating a maturity value (or its amount is higher than the linked maturity value amount), a credit customer maturity value could be created.
Remember that it will not possible to account bills that have been created from invoice printed but not yet accounted.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Menu form, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:
BuildDate : 23 marzo 2021